Stewardship... Implement plans, coordinate and strengthen the quality of life of our members, by ministering to their spiritual, cultural, educational and economic needs. In a broader perspective, this ministry exists to embrace the kingdom of God on earth through our witness, work and the proclamation of the Word. To provide each member with an opportunity to serve and share their gifts, skills and talents to help build the church and develop successful and strong relationships within the body of Christ.

Hospital Visits... see that sick members and other individuals are visited both as clergy and laity. Thie ministry cares enough to take the time to make visits to dialogue, pray with and show individuals that God and the church care.

Nursing Homes...spread the Word so that those who are unsaved may be inspired to come to Jesus and those who have met Him will grow in their faith, through twice a month visits.

Jail Ministry... arranges for visits to the jails for worship services and programs such as Bible Study in Oakland and Wayne Counties.

Youth Ministry... a group of youth and adult leaders whose sole purpose is to learn, share the Word and to love the Lord. This ministry energizes equips and enables our youth to be the best that they can be and to glorify God in all that they do. The ministry trains young people to have the mind of Christ, to gain knowledge of the Word and to grow in the wisdom of the Lord. Grow with us!


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Our Christian Perspective

Do You Have A Hurdlers Mentality When Confronted

By Life's Obstacles?

By Brother James

Life has its challenges, pitfalls, and obstacles. But, we can be overcomers if we have faith, and trust in the Lord.

When I think about the obstacles I have overcome in my life, with the Lord’s guidance, I am reminded of the track and field event, the 100 yard hurdles.

In this event, sprinters must successfully race down a track and leap over ten evenly spaced hurdles. Each hurdle presents its own form of an obstacle as these hurdles are about three feet high.

Interestingingly, the hurdler is not penalized for knocking down a hurdle as long as he/she did not do it intentionally. Do you find yourself confronted with multiple hurdles you must overcome? Do you face these hurdles one at a time, or, do you try to conquer them in one fell swoop? Life can be a race and that race may have numerous obstacles that must be overcome.

Getting back to my track and field analogy, these ten hurdles maybe representative of the following ten issues we often face in life. We might be confronted daily with spiritual issues or hurdles, and other issues with our self-esteem, relationships (with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.), finances, health and health care, aging, fear of violent crime, race relations, -global warming, and terrorism!

These hurdles all stem from our concern or worry about our future. Have you heard the oft quoted adage, “If you pray do not worry, and if you worry do not pray?”  

So, how do successful hurdlers run the good race to reach the finish line overcoming all the obstacles set in their path?

Successful hurdlers must always be focused! To compete in the hurdles event the participants must have a dual focus. First, they must focus on overcoming each hurdle one at a time. Second, they must focus on the individual accomplishment of overcoming each hurdle. What I mean to imply is if there are ten hurdles the hurdler must focus on one down, nine to go, two down, and eight to go... etc! That is the only way to overcoming any and all obstacles encountered in life.

Hurdlers then must always find themselves looking forward as we must do in life keeping our eye on the prize! But, a hurdler must briefly reminisce or reflect back to the hurdle they just got over. Can you envision a hurdler keenly looking forward thinking about the prize ahead but simultaneously thinking as they get over each hurdle, the Lord just blessed me to get over that hurdle so if he got me over that hurdle he will surely help me get over all the hurdles remaining ahead!

Yes, we to need to employ this technique in life. We should always ask God to aid us in our quest to reach the finish line in life that leads to heaven.

So, I implore you, the next time you find yourself in a maze, a quandary or going through some obstacles, some hurdles  in life, just reflect back to a similar incident in life and remember, “How I Got Over.”

God will surely show you the way to be an overcomer!

The writer of Hebrews, profoundly, informs us on this issue when he wrote, “1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV).”

Please stay blessed and if you live in, or are visiting the Detroit metropolitan area, please come and fellowship with Resurrection Mission Baptist Church. We would love to see you and know we would be blessed by your presence!

Unpublished Materials Copyright © 2013 Henry James

Resurrection Mission Baptist Church
Meeting at Restoration Ministries
1728 Stanford Road, Berkley, MI 48072-3060
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM
Cell: (248) 225-3876
Residence: (248) 356-2537

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