Resurrection Mission Baptist Church
1728 Stanford @ 11 Mile
Berkley, MI 48072
- The contest will be open to all members of the church.
- You do not have to an official member to win.
- The contest will run from August 26, 2012 thru September 16, 2012. Contest winners will be announced at the 3:00 service on September 16, 2012.
- Church members will be given credit for each young person that the church member invites that is 18 and under. Infants will be excluded. The contest will be for visitors 3-18 years old.
- The contest will be conducted by the honor system. If you invite a group of 10 people or more, the group will count as three people. If anyone attempts to cheat the system, that person will be disqualified.
- A visitor is only counted one time. So the same person can’t be counted again.
- Contest only counts for people who are members of the church as of August 19, 2012.
- A member shall be defined as someone who comes to church on a regular basis.
- We will have a sign in sheet for each visitor plus a spot for the referral.
- We will have a three person committee (panel) consisting of Pastor Chatten, Brother Kevin Bond and Sister Jean Lumpkin.
- All ties and disputes will be decided by the panel. If the panel can’t decide, we will take it to the body of the church which will be defined by Pastor Chatten.
- Prizes will be 1st place $125; 2nd place $50; and 3rd place $25.
- Bond Brother Transportation Service, will sponsor the money for the contest.
- Panel members are not eligible to win the contest.
- Visitors must stay for 80% of the service.
Sister Jean Lumpkin Brother Kevin Bond
Chairperson Vice Chairperson
Rev. Joseph Chatten
We are all family in the will of the Father. Matthew 12:50